Have you re-enrolled for Medicaid? Learn more about changes that could affect your coverage.

When you discover a musician or band that you really like several years after their career began, you might be looking for a quick way to get a sense of their music to date. One way to do that is to listen to a greatest hits record. These compilation albums won’t give you a full sense of someone’s musical history, but they will give you representative songs lots of other people have enjoyed. After listening to a greatest hits collection, you might find yourself inspired to take a deeper dive into the artist’s back catalog. 

Our Greatest Hits Collection of Recovery Advice

In that spirit, we offer a collection of “greatest hits” from this blog. If you are new here, the following snippets might inspire you to take a deeper dive into some important topics related to recovery. In each case, we will provide a link to the full blog entry.

  • From “Starting at the Beginning: What to Expect During Detoxification
    In reality, detoxification is both difficult and complex. As a result, it is an excellent idea to undergo the process under medical supervision in a treatment facility. One reason for this is that the majority of individuals require medication in order to manage the symptoms of withdrawal as their body is cleansed of substances. The use of pharmaceuticals to address a problem with drugs may seem counterintuitive—and that is exactly why it is essential that a medical professional oversees the detox process and manages the medicines that may be involved.
  • From “Mindfulness: Doing ‘Nothing’ Can Be Something Good for Recovery
    And why is it important to focus on the present? Well, it turns out that many of us spend an awful lot of time and energy either rehashing the past (usually focusing on our mistakes or regrets) or worrying about the future. Not only can this cause us to miss what is happening in our lives at this present moment, it can also heighten feelings of anxiety and/or depression. This can have a negative impact on our overall mental health, and for a person in recovery, it can increase the likelihood of relapse due to the temptation to use drugs or alcohol to mute the bad feelings we are experiencing. Mindfulness encourages us to be less harsh with ourselves.
  • From “Go Green, Go Lean, and Other Advice for Your Eating Routine
    For a person in recovery, a nutritious diet is a win-win-win. Eating healthful foods and eating in moderation leads to better physical health, of course. But it also supports your mental health. And good physical and mental health provide a stronger foundation for your ongoing sobriety. When you feel good—both physically and mentally—you are less likely to crave drugs or alcohol and less likely to fall back into back habits.From “Getting Your Goals In Line with Your Values – and with Your Sobriety
    A goal is, obviously, a notable thing, worthy of celebration. That is true in sports, and it is true in day-to-day life, too. Both having goals and achieving goals are important to all of us, especially when those goals align with the things we value. For a person in recovery from a substance use disorder, goals—large and small—can be a key tool for building long-lasting sobriety.
  • From “Resilience and Compassion Can Be Keys to Recovery
    But what if you showed yourself more compassion—the kind of compassion you have been cultivating for others? That means reframing your inner narrative. It means giving yourself a break when things go wrong or differently than you had hoped. And it means doing important work around things like diet, exercise, sleep, mindfulness, and more to ensure that you are in good physical and mental health, because those things are intertwined with your sobriety.
  • From “This Actually Is a Laughing Matter – Laughter Supports Your Sobriety
    So far, we have been talking a lot about letting professionals—comedians, actors, writers, and more—make you laugh. But it is often our closest friends and family who can make us laugh the most. After all, these are people with whom you share a history, a collection of in-jokes, and plenty of great memories. These are also the people who are committed to supporting your sobriety while having a good time together and making new memories.

Make Your Greatest Hit the Reclamation of Your Sobriety

At French Creek Recovery Center in Meadville, PA, we understand that a substance use disorder can feel like a sad song that never seems to end. But you can absolutely change that tune—and we can help.

We offer personalized treatment for substance use disorders and co-occurring mental health disorders (a terrible duet if ever there was one). We will see you through medically supervised detoxification, a rehabilitation program that offers resources and strategies for maintaining your sobriety, and a continuum of care that provides ongoing support as your recovery journey gets underway.

There is no sweeter song than sobriety. We can help you make that song your own.