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Sobriety for Introverts
Are you an extrovert or an introvert? Extroverts are the kind of folks who love to get together with others, who love to talk at length about just about anything, and who never met a stranger they didn’t think they could turn into a friend. Introverts, on the other hand,...
Uncovering the Truth About Recovery — Part Three
This is the third entry in our series dedicated to replacing bad ideas about substance use disorders and recovery with facts. You can read the first two entries here and here. When it comes to substance use disorders, misinformation is particularly dangerous. After all, when drugs or alcohol are involved,...
Uncovering the Truth About Recovery — Part Two
In a recent blog entry, we considered some ideas about substance use disorders and recovery that some people stubbornly insist are true—even though they are not. As we pointed out in that entry, this is a common enough problem in all of our lives. Once a person comes to believe...
Uncovering the Truth About Recovery — Part One
You have probably had this experience: A person makes a statement that strikes you as unlikely to be true. But when you express doubt, they double down, insisting they are entirely right and that anyone who says otherwise is absolutely, hopelessly wrong. You might try suggesting an alternative idea. Or...
Truth, Resilience, and Kindness are Recovery Superpowers
Even if you do not read comic books or enjoy the ongoing onslaught of superhero television programs and movies, you are probably familiar with DC Comics’ three most famous heroes. Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman have been embedded in American culture for decades and decades, so almost everyone knows them...
Look to the Library to Support Your Recovery
When was the last time you visited your local public library? Maybe you are a regular. Maybe you drop by infrequently but wish you could find time to go more often. Or maybe you have not been to a library in a really long time. If you fall into that...
Alternatives to Journaling Can Be Great for Recovery
In a couple of recent blog entries, we have considered how journaling can support your sobriety and provided some ideas to help you get started. While we do believe that keeping a journal of one kind or another can help firm up your recovery, we also understand that the process...
Three Recovery Strategies:
Three Recovery Strategies: A Breathing Technique, a Counting Technique, and a Gratitude Technique When you are in recovery for a substance use disorder, you know what your goal is: Maintain your sobriety. But while that is a fairly straightforward and clear goal, it does not provide a lot of guidance...
Some Ideas to Jumpstart Your Journal
In a recent blog entry, we encouraged you to take up journaling as a way to support your sobriety. We considered a number of different approaches that can be useful on your recovery journey. Still and all, it can be hard to start a journal. A blank page—whether in a...
Here’s the (Sobriety) Pitch. Don’t Strike Out.
The baseball season is underway—and America’s Pastime might be the sport that best serves as a metaphor for the sobriety journey (though that has not stopped us from using another sport for this purpose). That is because the baseball season is long. Each team plays 162 games—not including Spring Training...