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The Fourth of July is nearly upon us once again. Independence Day is, of course, a remembrance of the ratification of the Declaration of Independence—the founding document that declared the United States independent of Great Britain in 1776. You know the one: “We hold these truths to be self-evident…”

The day is marked by celebrations all across the country. Parades, cookouts, and fireworks are regular parts of the national celebration. After all, independence is no small thing. It deserves a big blowout of a party.

Independence Day happens to fall right about the midpoint of the calendar year—six months gone and six months remaining. Because of this, we think the holiday can also serve as a day of celebration for your sobriety, a marker of the progress you continue to make and the fact that your sobriety is intact.

You don’t have to arrange a parade or fire up the grill or send pyrotechnics shooting into the sky to celebrate your independence from drugs or alcohol. A quieter celebration is just as important. 

Here are a few ideas for marking the day.

Take Stock of What is Going Well

Sobriety is, of course, something to be grateful for, and as you celebrate your independence, you can take a few minutes to think about the people, resources, and routines that have helped you maintain your sobriety.

You might reach out to say thanks to that friend who is always there for you when you are struggling and who is always happy to hang out without booze or drugs. You might reflect on how your 12-Step sponsor or recovery mentor has helped you stay sober. And you might remind yourself how good decisions around eating, sleeping, and exercise continue to provide support for your sobriety.

Reminding yourself of the things that are going well in your life is a great way to shore up your recovery.

Set Some New Goals (or Recommit to Existing Goals)

We noted that Independence Day falls at the year’s halfway point. That makes it a good time to think about your goals. You could frame the process as making your midyear resolutions.

Some of your goals might be directly related to your recovery. For example, you may resolve to add a 10-minute walk to your daily routine or to replace one sugary snack or beverage with something healthier. Those sorts of changes bolster your physical and mental health, which in turn support your sobriety.

You might have other goals that don’t seem related to your recovery at all. For example, you might be trying to learn a new skill or to earn a promotion or to find a more fulfilling job. While these sorts of goals might seem quite apart from your ongoing efforts to stay sober, the fact is that working toward goals you find fulfilling and meaningful is another great way to support sobriety.

You might also have a goal or two that you haven’t made much progress on. You can use your sobriety independence day to recommit to them.

Claim a Light in the Sky as Your Own Celebratory Burst

We noted earlier that your personal sobriety independence day celebration does not require fireworks. And that is certainly true. 

If, however, you find yourself taking in the local display of pretty lights in the sky, it is perfectly appropriate for you to quietly claim a particularly beautiful burst as your very own. Your sobriety is worthy of that level of celebration—and noting that fact to yourself can give you a spark of motivation to stay the course on your recovery journey.

We Can Help You Set Yourself Free from Drugs and Alcohol

Just like the colonists longed to be free from England back in 1776, a person struggling with drugs or alcohol is likely to be longing for relief and a new lease on life. At French Creek Recovery Center in Meadville, Pennsylvania, we can help you revolt against a substance use disorder so that you can emerge sober and ready to start your recovery. 

We offer personalized treatment for substance use disorders as well as for co-occurring mental health disorders that may be worsened by (or may be contributing to) your troubles with drugs or alcohol. Treatment starts with medically supervised detoxification followed by a robust rehabilitation program that includes group and individual therapy sessions. When your time in residential treatment comes to an end, you can count on our continuum of care, which provides ongoing support and resources as your recovery gets underway.

We can help you declare independence from drugs and alcohol—and that is truly something to celebrate.