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Sometimes in conversation, you might hear someone use a term or a phrase that you don’t recognize or understand. You might try to get the gist from the context. You might nod as though you understand perfectly. You might do the logical thing and ask the person to clarify what they meant.

Clarifying Some Vocabulary

But we often don’t do the logical thing in these situations, right? We are often too embarrassed to admit we don’t know something that everyone else seems to fully understand.

Case in point: You have probably heard the words “detoxification” (often shortened to “detox”) and “rehabilitation” (often shortened to “rehab”). You may know that those terms have something to do with regaining sobriety. But you might not know the details. That might not be a big deal—unless you or someone you love is struggling with a substance use disorder and wants to get help.

In that situation, knowing the details can be the difference between deciding to get help and deciding not to. That’s because we tend to be leery of new experiences we don’t understand. So, if the details of detox and rehab are unclear, you might decide that treatment isn’t for you.

Toss in an unfamiliar phrase like “continuum of care,” and you may find that your misgivings about pursuing treatment for your substance use disorder only expand.

We don’t want that to happen. Let us dive into the details of detox, rehab, and our commitment to a continuum of care.

What to Expect During Detoxification

When you stop taking drugs or drinking alcohol, you are likely to experience symptoms of withdrawal—including (but by no means limited to) extremely strong cravings that can make it nearly impossible to resist the urge to take drugs or drink. The desire to quit and the inability to quit can quickly become a dispiriting cycle.

That’s where the detoxification process comes in. When you enter a residential treatment center for detox, you will no longer have access to the drugs or alcohol that are at the center of your substance use disorder. That’s a start, but given the cravings we just mentioned, it isn’t sufficient.

That’s why medically supervised detoxification is so important. Going through detox under the care of medical professionals trained in the treatment of substance use disorders is the best way to get drugs and alcohol out of your system. When appropriate, that process may include medically assisted detox as a route to sobriety.

What to Expect During Rehab

So you have been through detoxification and are sober. That’s great news. But you aren’t ready just yet to return to your day-to-day life. Instead, the next step is rehabilitation.

Rehab will include therapy sessions—some individual and others in a group setting. In therapy, you will learn strategies for maintaining your sobriety, find support in the stories and successes of others, and address any co-occurring mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, or a trauma-based disorder.

You might be surprised to learn that care for mental health disorders can be a part of the rehab process. But the fact is that good mental health and ongoing sobriety go hand in hand. A mental health disorder may be contributing to your substance use disorder. Alternately, your substance use disorder may be worsening a mental health disorder. The two are deeply intertwined, and so both are addressed during rehabilitation.

What to Expect From a Continuum of Care

When residential treatment comes to an end, you might feel some trepidation about returning to your life. Will you be able to stay sober? Will you be able to find the resources you need to improve your chances of success? Will you have options if you relapse?

Those questions are only natural—and they are the very questions our commitment to a continuum of care is intended to address. When your time in treatment comes to an end, you can continue to count on us to provide resources and support as you begin your recovery journey. And if you do experience a relapse, we will strongly encourage you to return to treatment to reset your recovery and try again. We will continue to work with you to fine-tune your personalized treatment plan to provide a firm foundation for your ongoing sobriety.

We Are Ready When You Are

At French Creek Recovery Center in Meadville, PA, we are committed to listening to you, to personalizing your treatment, and to providing compassionate, evidence-based care. If you are struggling with drugs or alcohol, the time to get help is right now. All of us at French Creek are eager to see you through detox, rehab, and the start of your recovery journey.

Looking for a PA substance use disorder treatment center? For more information about French Creek Recovery Center, contact us at (814) 417-8080. We look forward to hearing from you.