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Some Ideas to Jumpstart Your Journal

Some Ideas to Jumpstart Your Journal

In a recent blog entry, we encouraged you to take up journaling as a way to support your sobriety. We considered a number of different approaches that can be useful on your recovery journey.Still and all, it can be hard to start a journal. A blank page—whether in a...
You Will Never Be Judged at French Creek

You Will Never Be Judged at French Creek

Let’s face it: People can be really judgmental.People judge their coworkers: He sure seems to be out of the office a lot while the rest of us are stuck here working.People judge their neighbors: Can you believe how tall the grass is in their yard?People judge members...
Think of a Relapse as a Chance to Reboot Your Sobriety

Think of a Relapse as a Chance to Reboot Your Sobriety

We live in the age of the reboot. For quite a number of years now, it seems like every television program and movie in the whole wide world has been remade, reimagined, relaunched—in a word, rebooted.There are so many examples, it is hard to know where to begin. But...
Recovery Ideas From the Arts

Recovery Ideas From the Arts

Recovery Ideas From the ArtsSometimes people think of “the arts” as some sort of lofty category of things that are reserved for a certain group of people. But the truth is that the arts are all around us. Professional artists—actors, writers, lighting designers,...
This Important Message About Sponsors

This Important Message About Sponsors

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you have seen us note time and time again that it is extremely difficult to regain your sobriety on your own. Efforts to give up drugs or alcohol often lead to withdrawal symptoms that are difficult to withstand, and so you...